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Title: Catalog of wheat germplasm.
Authors: LINHARES, A. G.
SOUSA, C. N. A. de
Affiliation: EMBRAPA-CNPT.
Date Issued: 1997
Citation: Passo Fundo: EMBRAPA-CNPT, 1997.
Pages: 80 p.
Description: This publication has the purpose of gathering in one catalog information about 1,430 wheat germplasm accessions, a part of the genetic resources maintained at Embrapa Trigo and/or Embrapa Cenargen, involving mainly landraces and breeding lines or cultivars generated by the Brazilian wheat breeding programs. The value and usefulness of stored germplasm is greatly increased by information about its origin and genealogy, as it can be related to the specific environment and consequently to the selection pressures it received during its development. The development of wheat cultivars suitable to most Brazilian wheat growing areas faces two major challenges characterized by the presence of the soil acidity complex (namely aluminum and manganese toxicities) and high moisture conditions, specially favorable to fungal diseases such as Erysiphe, Puccinia, Ophiobulus, Septoria, Helminthosporium and Fusarium. Therefore, this catalog lists a large number of wheat germplasm having useful traits related to soil acidity, resistance to diseases, and adaptation to subtropical climate that may be of assistance, chiefly to scientists and students. It is another contribution of Embrapa towards a general effort of preserving genetic diversity.
Thesagro: Germoplasma
Triticum Aestivum
NAL Thesaurus: wheat
Keywords: BAG
Series/Report no.: (EMBRAPA-CNPT. Documentos, 31).
ISSN: 0101-6644
Type of Material: Livros
Access: openAccess
Appears in Collections:Série Documentos (CNPT)

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