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Title: Biblioteca Eletrônica da Embrapa Cerrados: modelo conceitual, desenvolvimento, implantação e avaliação.
Authors: SALVIATI, M. E.
CASTRO, R. L. de
Date Issued: 2009
Citation: Planaltina, DF : Embrapa Cerrados, 2009.
Description: This paper describes a model for organizing, processing, storage and retrieval electronic publications produced by Embrapa in the Internet its development, implantation and assessment. It includes the ways to organize and seek information and browsing facilities. It describes also a prototype website with 706 documents with details of operating fl ow, contents and the proposal structures for seeking information. That document brings, too, the results of small and preliminary assessment performed by users who consulted the Electronic Library of Embrapa Cerrados in the period of two months (May to June 2007). That assessment collected cadastral information: name, institution, profession and address in a population of 1123 users. Already the questionnaire was applied to a subset of that population (223 users) who consulted the electronic library more than once. There were questions about their habits on the Internet, experience with our electronic library (which subjects, authors, titles and serials were searched and what was the ease of each type of consultation held), time to download, instructions and page layout.This preliminary assessment was also useful for identifying gaps in the data collection that need to be corrected in future study already planned. The new project will do more accurate assessment to verify the degree of satisfaction of users on retrieving information.
Thesagro: Biblioteca
Gestão do Conhecimento
NAL Thesaurus: Internet
Keywords: Biblioteca eletrônica
Publicação eletrônica
Eletronic publication
Series/Report no.: (Embrapa Cerrados. Documentos, 245)
Type of Material: Livros
Access: openAccess
Appears in Collections:Série Documentos (CPAC)

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