Por favor, use este identificador para citar o enlazar este ítem: http://www.infoteca.cnptia.embrapa.br/infoteca/handle/doc/569238
Título: Cevada irrigada em áreas de Cerrado no Brasil Central.
Autor: AMABILE, R. F.
SILVA D. B. da
Año: 2004
Referencia: Planaltina, DF: Embrapa Cerrados, 2004.
Páginas: 4 p.
Descripción: ABSTRACT: This work shows the importance of barley as an alternative crop to integrate production systems in the Brazilian Savanna. It is an economical option for the farmer, in opposition to the traditional crops of common bean and wheat. Barley hass been adapted to the climatic conditions of the area, with high yielding potential. Cultivar BRS 180 - the first barley for brewing, has a six row spike and is recommended for dry season cultivation, when it is disease free and performs the best.
Thesagro: Cevada
Cultura Irrigada
Hordeum Vulgare
NAL Thesaurus: barley
irrigated farming
Palabras clave: BRS180
Citación: (Embrapa Cerrados. Circular Técnica, 26).
Tipo de Material: Folhetos
Acceso: openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Circular Técnica (CPAC)

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