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Título: Técnicas para interpretar a demanda da agricultura familiar: a comunicação interpessoal.
Autor: SPERRY, S.
Año: 2001
Referencia: Planaltina, DF: Embrapa Cerrados, 2001.
Páginas: 14 p.
Descripción: ABSTRACT: The objective here is to show the need to start the small farmers researches by collecting upon agriculturist social dynamics, as by understanding their social interaction among themselves and their society. It is possible to identify the needs and the problems of their organization and, therefore, to conduct a research process in order to transfer more suitable technologies to the reality. Instead of starding the technological interference in the rural area with the traditional diagnosis about the agriculturers production systems, the study call up attention to the importance of the qualified diagnosis and the interpessoal communication. In order to reach its purpose and also to show that strategy is acessable and that may be easily managed, the study presents, on a most possible simplified way, the steps for its application, fallowed by application administration experiences.
Thesagro: Agricultura Familiar
Pequeno Produtor
Sociologia Rural
NAL Thesaurus: farmers
family farms
rural sociology
Palabras clave: Comunicação interpessoal
Produtor rural
Diagnóstico qualitativo
Interpessoal communication
Small farmers
Qualitative diagnosis
Citación: (Embrapa Cerrados. Circular Técnica, 18).
Tipo de Material: Folhetos
Acceso: openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Circular Técnica (CPAC)

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