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Título: Análise de dados secundários sobre a fauna de vertebrados da unidade fitogeográfica do Vale do Paranã.
Autor: CAMARGO, N. F. de
AGUIAR, L. M. de S.
Afiliación: Nicholas Ferreira de Camargo; Ludmilla Moura de Souza Aguiar, CPAC.
Año: 2007
Referencia: Planaltina, DF: Embrapa Cerrados, 2007.
Páginas: 56 p.
Descripción: ABSTRACT: The Cerrado is one of the richest and most threatened biome in the world and its ecosystem Seasonally dry forest is the one that suffers most antropic pressure. It's important that conservation of The Paranã River Valley increases because it presents a greater amount of dry forest in the Cerrado. According to data compilation from literature, 120 mammal species, 179 bird species, 109 reptile species and 44 amphibian species were registered in Paranã-Pirineus corridor counties. Few studies were made about this region fauna and it's hard to estimate the precise diversity at Paranã River Valley. However, the species richness presented here shows how important this ecosystem is for the fauna´s maintenance. For that, this data compilation about vertebrate fauna comes to provide knowledge about Paranã River Valley biodiversity.
Thesagro: Biodiversidade
NAL Thesaurus: biodiversity
Palabras clave: Vertebrado
Citación: (Embrapa Cerrados. Documentos, 182).
Tipo de Material: Livros
Acceso: openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Série Documentos (CPAC)

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