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Title: Manejo da calagem e da adubação fosfatada para a cultura da mandioca em solo de cerrado.
Authors: MIRANDA, L. N. de
FIALHO, J. de F.
MIRANDA, J. C. C. de
Date Issued: 2005
Citation: Planaltina, DF: Embrapa Cerrados, 2005.
Pages: 4 p.
Description: ABSTRACT: Soil acidity and soil phosphorus deficiency may be constraints factors to cassava production in cerrado soils. Therefore, the cultivation of cassava requires the adequate management of soil acidity and fertility, by the using of the appropriate combination of lime and phosphate fertilizer. Field experiments were carried out combining lime and phosphate fertilizer levels and cultivated with IAPAR 19 cassava variety. The best response in productivity was observed at the level of 200kg ha(-1) of P2O5 and 25% of soil base saturation, which corresponds to the level of 2t ha(1-) of lime for the present soils. Significant interactions were observed between lime and phosphate fertilizer, the best combination being the using of lime to increase the soil base saturation up to 25% and the row application of 100kg ha(-1) of P2O5.
Thesagro: Adubação
Fertilizante Fosfatado
Manihot Esculenta
NAL Thesaurus: cassava
soil fertility
soil amendments
Keywords: Correção do solo
Phosphate fertilizers
Series/Report no.: (Embrapa Cerrados. Comunicado Técnico, 118).
Type of Material: Folhetos
Access: openAccess
Appears in Collections:Comunicado Técnico (CPAC)

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