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Title: Multiatr: a tool for ranking of pairwise alternatives.
Authors: LOBO, R. N. B.
Date Issued: 2021
Citation: Sobral: Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos, 2021.
Description: The decision-making process is complex and often demands time and difficulties for managers, project coordinators and, especially here, specialists in genetic improvement programs. Tools that can help this process are always welcome and are added to other alternatives for a correct and efficient decision. Despite the possibility of being used in several areas of knowledge, the MultiAtr software was specially developed for the definition of weights for the selection objectives of animal breeding programs. Its use in interviews with specialists, breeders and scholars can contribute to the direction of these programs by the scientists involved in this decision. Based on this, it is recommended, for the scientific community and other decision-making actors, this “Série Embrapa Documentos” as a practical guide for the correct use of the software, exploring its possibilities to the full.
NAL Thesaurus: Decision support systems
Animal breeding
Genetic improvement
Computer software
Keywords: Breeding programs
Series/Report no.: (Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos. Documentos, 143).
Type of Material: Folhetos
Access: openAccess
Appears in Collections:Série Documentos (CNPC)

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