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Título: Spatial variation in small scale of soil wetness evaluated by different methods.
Autor: TEIXEIRA, W. G.
MARQUES, J. D. de O.
Afiliación: WENCESLAU GERALDES TEIXEIRA, CPAA; JEAN DALMO DE OLIVEIRA MARQUES, University of Bayreuth.; BERND HUWE, University of Bayreuth.
Año: 1998
Referencia: In: SHIFT PROJECT ENV 45/2. Water and nutrient fluxes as indicators for the stability of different land use systems on the terra firme near Manaus. Manaus: EMBRAPA-CPAA/BMBF, 1998.
Páginas: p. 69-76.
Descripción: Evaluations of dielectric constants E and samplings for the determination of ø and bulk density þm were carried out in four profiles of a Xanthic Ferralsol with high clay content (Latossolo Amarelao - Brazil Classification) at the Experimental Statation of Embrapa Amazonia Ocidental (Manaus, AM, Brazil). The sample were taken near the soil surface. Three undisturbed core samples and three disturbed auger samples were collected at each depth. The E was determined in advance at six points with the probe inserted vertically and three points horizontally in each depth. Results and discussion on: a) volume evaluated and probe orientation; b) topsoil and subsoil measurements; c) soil characteristics; and d) accuracy of empirical equations for the determination of soil wetness are presented.
Thesagro: Floresta Tropical Úmida
Relação Solo-Água
NAL Thesaurus: soil water
tropical rain forests
water balance
Palabras clave: Brasil
Tipo de Material: Parte de livro
Acceso: openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Capítulo em livro técnico (CPAA)

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