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Título: Efeito residual do calcário para o milho sob plantio direto e convencional em solo de Cerrado.
Autor: MIRANDA, L. N. de
MIRANDA, J. C. C. de
Afiliación: Leo Nobre de Miranda, CPAC; Jeanne Christine Claessen de Miranda, CPAC.
Año: 2007
Referencia: Planaltina, DF: Embrapa Cerrados, 2007.
Páginas: 4 p.
Descripción: ABSTRACT: The Cerrado soils are acid with toxic levels of aluminum, being necessary to use lime to overcome these conditions to grow crops. The residual effect of lime in a Red Latosol were evaluated for corn at the 5th and 6th crop, under conventional tillage (disk plowing and harrowing) and no-tillage planting systems. Lime at different levels was previously applied for the first crop, with and without incorporation into the soil. The results showed a significant increase in corn grain production due to the residual effects of lime levels, either incorporated, surface applied with no incorporation, or a mixing of both methods. After six years of cropping, the surface applied lime with no incorporation changed the soil conditions mainly at the 0 cm - 10 cm soil depth. Below that depth, the soil pH and CEC base saturation were similar to those in the treatment with no lime application.
Thesagro: Calagem
NAL Thesaurus: liming
soil amendments
soil management
Palabras clave: Correção do solo
Zero tillage
Citación: (Embrapa Cerrados. Comunicado Técnico, 133).
Tipo de Material: Folhetos
Acceso: openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Comunicado Técnico (CPAC)

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