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Título: Organização de produtores e desenvolvimento rural.
Autoria: GASTAL, M. L.
ZOBY, J. L. F.
Ano de publicação: 2002
Referência: Planaltina, DF: Embrapa Cerrados, 2002.
Páginas: 30 p.
Conteúdo: The family agriculture is an important segment in Brasilian, as on the social point of view, as on the gross value production from the national farming. In spite of its importance, however, it faces many problems as , decapitalization, access dificulty to the credit, low insert in the market, precariousness of ownership of the earth, limited, little useful surface exploration or any access to the technical support and other support services, low capitalization lavel and weaknees in organizing. from the half of eighty decade, the movement associativista took great pulse as alternative to reduce the effects of those impediments. Several organization forms; where the small farmer associations congregated in a central of associations. that new reality demanded changes in the traditional focuses of technical support. For that, it was necessary to review some concepts and to innovate work tools,seeking to incorporate the organization ideias as tool capable to make possible the development. In this work the discussed themes were: the particularities of the family agriculture, its insertion in the sustainable developement, the complexity of the farmer organizations and the necessary tchnician knowledge to support those organizations. The intention was to support the field technicians, in the search of new work posture with the family farmers, in way to rescue his/her work as educator and developement agent.
Thesagro: Agricultura Familiar
Associação Rural
Desenvolvimento Rural
Pequeno Produtor
Palavras-chave: Produtor rural
Small farmers
Rural organization
Organization dynamics
Série: (Embrapa Cerrados. Documentos, 75).
Tipo do Material: Folhetos
Acesso: openAccess
Aparece nas coleções:Série Documentos (CPAC)

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