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Título: Guia de avaliação simplificada da gestão de associações de produtores rurais - GAS Rural.
Autoria: GASTAL, M. L.
ROCHA, F. E. de C.
ZOBY, J. L. F.
Ano de publicação: 2002
Referência: Planaltina, DF: Embrapa Cerrados, 2002.
Páginas: 55 p.
Conteúdo: The Simplified Evalution Guide - Rural GAS is a tool used to evaluate farmer organizations. Lately, it has been used by farmers to evaluate their organizations. The tool was development based on the experience of the Program Gaucho of Quality and Productivity (PGQP). In the evaluation, seven criteria and items are used. They are necessary to help the administration to reach the objectives and consequently the sucess. In a general way, a group farmers, calls, appraisersuses the Rural GAS to compare the current administration of the organization in the function of the following criteria: leadership, strategic planning, focus in the customer and in the market, information and analysis, administration of people, administration of processes and results. That evaluation is accomplished in two following days, totaling 16 working hours. In the first day it is made the appraisers' training in relation to the criteria found and the second, it is made the main evaluation. The effectiveness of the use of the Rural Gas is not only in the evaluation. It makes possible to establish a reflection process on the part of the appraisers of the necessity of efficient administration. It is not only a moment of reflection, but also socket of conscience of the necessity and of the possibility to implant in the farmer modern administration systems, adapted to the current reality, based on the percepts of the Total Quality.
Thesagro: Associação Rural
Pequeno Produtor
Planejamento Estratégico
NAL Thesaurus: leadership
Palavras-chave: Produtor rural
Rural organization
Small farmers
Organization dynamics
Strategic planning
Série: (Embrapa Cerrados. Documentos, 73).
Tipo do Material: Livros
Acesso: openAccess
Aparece nas coleções:Série Documentos (CPAC)

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