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Título: ICLF in numbers.
Ano de publicação: 2017
Referência: [Sinop, MT: Embrapa, 2017].
Páginas: 12 p.
Conteúdo: Integrated crop-livestock-forest (ICLF) is an agricultural production strategy that integrates different production systems ? agricultural, livestock and forestry ? within the same area. It can be implemented using mixed, rotating, or succession crops, so that there is interaction between each component, thus generating mutual benefits. ICLF can be implemented in different ways, with a wide range of crops and various animal species. It is adaptable to regional characteristics, climatic conditions, the local market, and the producer?s profile, and can be adopted by small, medium, and large producers.
Palavras-chave: Ilpf
Sistema integrado
Integracao lavoura-pecuaria-floresta
Integrated crop-livestock-forest
Notas: ICLF in numb3r5.
Tipo do Material: Folders
Acesso: openAccess
Aparece nas coleções:Folder / Folheto / Cartilha (CPAMT)

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